I don't think it can do 0 decimal places at the moment, the assumption was that people who needed an absolutely accurate value used large number, because floating-point values on any CPU are not accurate.
https://dzone.com/articles/never-use-float-and-double-for-monetary-calculatio. In particular they cannot represent certain values and then you end up with the nearest interpretation. However, we'll make it possible to set it to 0 decimal places in the 2.0 release as it's trivial to do.
Many times people don't understand floating point types and expect accuracy.
The best type to use for very large whole numbers is editable large number, if you don't want it editable, then set it readonly. See
https://www.thecoderscorner.com/products/arduino-libraries/tc-menu/menu-item-types/largenum-menu-item/ that covers this type in detail. In your case, you would just set the whole number, clear the fraction and the negative flag would be false.
Eg something like:
LargeFixedNumber* numCycles = menuCycles.getLargeNumber();