STM32/mbed LTDC Frame buffer menu touch driver

By dave on February 8, 2023

STM32 LTDC Frame buffer touch screen support It is possible to generate an impressive menu application using LTDC via the BSP functions. It has been tested to work fully with mbed on a STM32F429 Disc1 with ILI9341 and touch, but also should work with STM32duino and other screens given the right parameters and setup. IMPORTANT NOTE: It should be noted that using this plugin outside the already tested case of mbed, discovery F429 board would be for advanced users only, and may involve a lot of configuration and setup.

Touch screen menu calibration

By dave on February 8, 2023

There are several touch plugins in TcMenu and they all have support for controlling calibration and orientation. The calibration UI is presently at preview quality although works for many cases. Below is an image showing the common options to most touch plugins. Calibration and Orientation options Touch screen calibration The touch screen calibration option provides a very simple UI and calibration load and save feature that works with all IoAbstraction based touch screens.

Using SSD1306 to generate a Uno / low memory multi level OLED menu

By dave on September 29, 2022

It is possible to build multi level menus with an OLED display on an Arduino Uno or other low memory board provided you use SSD1306Ascii instead of the U8G2 library, as it uses a lot less memory at the cost of some flexibility. We’ve tested it with regular I2C SH1106 OLED display units and it works absolutely fine. To use this library, you create the variable globally in your sketch, and then reference it in the code generator properties, the code generator will not create the display object for this type of display.

Menu In Menu support for embedded Java on Linux / Raspberry PI

By dave on April 21, 2022

You can combine many menu structures from different devices into a single menu, this works by each remote menu being represented by a MenuInMenu object being associated with a RemoteConnection and a MenuManagerServer. It maps the remote menu into an unused ID range on the local device and even handles dialog commands. Available from version 2.3 of tcMenu Designer and API. Menu In Menu range and submenu mapping Each menu in menu definition that we create results in a remote connection to another device, and the selected sub-menu receiving all the menu items from that device as if they were local menus.

Control menus with embedCONTROL.JS from a webserver

By dave on April 14, 2022

Available from 2.3 onwards. On larger embedded devices you can serve up embedCONTROL.JS from a web browser. It allows you to remotely control and monitor the menu items from a web page on any device that can run a web browser. It is a single page web application based on React.JS. It supports the most important functions from the full embedCONTROL application, having the advantage of not needing any installation.

Embedded Java ethernet, WiFi and Serial plugin

By dave on April 10, 2022

In this guide we show how to setup and use the embedded Java remote plugin to allow embedCONTROL connections to a Raspberry PI or other embedded Linux board. Back to tcMenu main page

Embedded Java OpenJFX screen rendering for Raspberry PI

By dave on March 12, 2022

Embedded Java for Raspberry PI can present the menu using OpenJFX. Below we provide an overview of the components involved in rendering with this plugin. High level diagram of OpenJFX rendering

XPT2046 / FT6206 touch screen input plugin

By dave on October 12, 2021

This touch screen input plugin supports both XPT2046 and FT6206 based touch screens. In order for this plugin to work correctly the right underlying library must be installed. These are described below: XPT2046 Paul Stoffregen XPT2046 library, best installed from library manager. FT6206 Adafruit_FT6206 library, best installed from library manager When using this touch plugin, the concept of touching and holding touches is handled by the unit itself, even managing “repeat key” is handled by the library, based on which mode it is in.

Color themes for all display sizes.

By dave on May 12, 2021

Examples of this theme Information about themes in general. Below we show an example of a color theme, the one shown is the cool-blue theme: TFT screen using modern cool blue TcMenu ships with the cool-blue color theme presently that is only compatible with color displays. Each color scheme has a traditional mode aimed at smaller resolutions, and a modern theme designed for larger fonts, with more spacing between elements; which is ideal for touch screens.

Dark mode themes for all display sizes.

By dave on May 12, 2021

Below we show an example of the dark mode theme, it is designed to have darker background colors with lighter text and images. TFT screen using modern dark mode TcMenu ships with two dark mode color themes and they are only compatible with color displays. The dark mode theme revolves around black and dark grey backgrounds with light grey and white foregrounds. It is available in traditional mode aimed at smaller resolutions, and as a modern theme designed for larger fonts, with more spacing between elements; which is especially suited for touch screens.

tcMenu for Arduino

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